Wednesday, December 17, 2008

10 Things To Do AFTER Bush Leaves the White House

1. Start watching presidential press conferences again.

2. Hold your head up high and declare yourself an AMERICAN.

3. Travel abroad, we've regained the respect from the world. The dollar sucks, but no one will give you the stink eye anymore because Bush is POTUS.

4. You can have hope once more.

5. Throw away your suicide pills.

6. Visit those relatives in the South without having to blame them (too much) for the state of the country.

7. Go ahead and plan for the future. Dare to dream.

8. You don't have to move to Canada after all. Start unpacking.

9. Believe in science again, proudly, publicly.

10. Do the Snoopy Dance.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Obama is officially the next POTUS

The Chronicle has reported that it is official: Barack Obama is the next president of the United States. Anyone else find this electoral process redundant for these times or is it just me?

Monday, December 08, 2008

Wow! What sore losers.

The nuts just keep coming. There are some folk out there who just can't handle the reality that Barack Obama will be the next U.S. President. I've got just one little piece of advice: Get over it and get over yourselves.

Read the idiocy in the NYTimes article on the challenges to Obama's eligibility.