Saturday, June 14, 2008

I'm Voting Republican

If you're still an undecided voter, see if this doesn't motivate you to make a decision...

Friday, June 13, 2008

Has Hillary Clinton Naderized this year's election?

I didn't like what I saw during the primaries with the negative attacks out of the Clinton camp and I'm not surprised by its outcome. So Hillary Clinton is out and Barack Obama is in as the Democratic Party's presidential candidate. I'd be overjoyed if it weren't for the impending doom that I feel coming on.

When it became all but 100% certain that Clinton could not keep up with Obama's delegate numbers, the grumbling from her camp started ramping up. She whined of sexism all the while launching a Karl Rove-worthy racist-tinged whisper-campaign against Obama. Her fanbase is so incensed by the media's supposed love-affair with Obama that they're ready to hand their vote over to the other party. Now I have to wonder how they can blame Obama for the media's behaviour. This I find mind-boggling. This is totally in line with their thinking that a white female should win over a black (male or female) candidate. Their sour grapes are nothing but racist and sexist bigotry.

Before this was apparent, I would have handed my vote to whomever as long as she or he appeared to be the most reliable, trust-worthy and competent to lead the country through the mess that Bush and cohorts are leaving.

Hillary has managed to poison the well to such the extent that her supporters don't care that she is now preaching the party unity message. They are outraged and blame Obama for the apparent media and political bashing of Clinton. From most news outlets, about half have announced their support of McCain, a.k.a. Bush version 2.0. McCain is wooing their vote. In past elections, Republicans wouldn't even consider trying to persuade staunch Democrats to come over to their side. With Hillary's help, they don't even have to try so hard this time.