Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy "I Have a Dream" Speech Anniversary Day!

Today is the 45th anniversary of the delivery of the "I Have a Dream" speech by the late great Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. And whether it was planned or not (but probably so) Barack Obama delivered his presidential nomination acceptance speech in Denver. And Obama did not disappoint. At least _I_ wasn't disappointed. Here's his speech on

What I found satisfying with his speech was that he clarified with surprising details how he plans to run the country with regard to cutting taxes for the overtaxed and raising it for those who don't pay enough, cleaning up the environment, leveling the salary playing-field and reforming the health-care system. And I hope he is able to really do some serious forensics on our national budget and identify and kill those pet projects that do nothing but line the pockets of the elite rich with the money of us suckers. I know there's more to his plan, you'd be naive to believe otherwise, but it sounds more thought out and laser-focused on domestic issues than anything the Republicans have come up with. The best they can come up with is what's wrong with what Democrats propose. Stop telling me how much you disagree with the other guy and come to the table with solutions that have some real meat. Otherwise, shut it and let someone else do the job you seem so unwilling and incompetent to do.

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