Wednesday, November 05, 2008

History has been made: The First Black President

Holy cow! Barack Obama is now President-elect of the United States of America.

I never ever thought that American voters could ever coalesce together enough to break through one of the pinnacles of racism and elect a Black man as leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world. I never thought I would see history being made during my lifetime. I thought it would be possible only after some other barriers had been broken, like a first (White) woman president or Latino man. I just did not have faith that Americans could get beyond the continuing racism against Blacks and see that we are capable of being political leaders who look out for the greater good and not just for the Black community. I admit that I had no such confidence and I am glad to have been proven wrong by my fellow American citizens.

I witnessed this historic moment at a local pub with a coworker, surrounded by Whites who were just as enthusiastic as I was about Barack Obama being elected as the next President of _these_ United States. Maybe more so. I had lots of reservation about this happening because of the rounds of humiliation that he was subjected to during this election campaign. He kept his composure, but I wasn't confident that that could be seen by anyone other than myself. So I am so very glad to have been mistaken.

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